10 Doctor Who Details You Definitely Missed The First Time

Let's hope the TARDIS scanner can zoom and enhance!

By Jacob Simmons /

One of the greatest things about Doctor Who is its fanbase.


Whovians are among the most dedicated and passionate TV fans in the entire world, and with several decades worth of material to draw from, it's no wonder so many people get sucked into the fandom, and why so many of us have lost thousands of hours to the show, and thousands of pounds to Funko Pops.

However, there are some details that even the most eagle-eyed viewers almost certainly didn't catch the first time around.

Doctor Who is absolutely littered with easter eggs, callbacks, and references. Whether it's a link to a previous episode, shoutouts to other franchises, or just the production team proving how clever they are, there are tons of these tiny morsels to spot while rewatching the show.

It's usually difficult to spot these details on that first viewing, since you're (hopefully!) engrossed in the story, and aren't scanning the backgrounds of each shot for cool stuff to post on Reddit - and these ones definitely fall into that category.

10. A Masterful Connection (The Lazarus Experiment)

The Lazarus Experiment - or, that episode where Mark Gatiss turns into a scorpion rendered on a PS2 - is one of the less memorable stories from Series 3, to put it kindly.


But to give it some credit, it does feature a really nifty detail that, in true wibbly-wobbly fashion, calls forward to a future episode.

The bulk of the action takes place in Lazarus' laboratory in London. Throughout the episode, a swirling group of circles can often be seen on the walls, which serves as the logo for Lazarus' company.

Oh, and it's also identical to the design of the Master's ring that would be revealed later in the series.

BBC Studios

Outside of being a very stylish piece of bling, the ring is also essential to the Master's scheme to bring himself back from the dead. This is a goal he shares with the good professor, who is also trying to cheat death.

It's a detail that not only ties the two characters together thematically, it's also another example of the Master's (who funded Lazarus' work) overhanging presence in Series 3.
