10 Emotional Scenes The Friends Reunion Movie Needs To Have

By Gary Hughes /

The Friends Reunion Movie. It's been through the rumour mill as many times as Joey's been through the Manhattan babe pool. It's in higher demand than a freshly baked batch of Phoebe's trademark chocolate chip cookies. It's become as much of a will-they-won't-they affair as Ross and Rachel's relationship, and that thing went on for ten whole years! But then, so have the rumours. From pretty much the moment the show ended in May 2004, there have been calls for a reunion series or movie, and those demands have not died down with time; in fact, they've only gathered momentum. Will the Friends Reunion Movie ever happen? Only time will tell. Sheer speculation is futile. But what we can debate is what would happen in the movie if ever did go ahead. Many questions would simply have to be answered, notably: Where are they all now? What happened to all of their kids? What the hell is Unagi, anyway? Here, my friends, is a shamelessly undefinitive list of the ten emotionally charged scenes that should, nay, must, be included if Bright, Kauffman and Crane do finally decide to green light a Friends Reunion project...