10 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Really Deserve To Die

All men must die... but could it just occasionally be the right ones please?

By Mark Cassidy /

George R.R. Martin's "A Song Of Ice And Fire" novels and the HBO series based on them are full of horrible people doing extremely horrible things, but, to quote Sophie Turner's Sansa Stark back in season 2, "the worst ones always live." 


Okay, so there is a bit of justice served now and again: Joffrey died choking at his wedding in season 4, and just last Sunday some almost instant karma found Stannis Baratheon after he alienated his fans by burning his daughter alive - but more often than not it's the noble, kind-hearted souls that get the chop, while the most scheming, ruthless sadistic characters keep on making misery. 

It's quite likely that the majority of 'em  will get what's coming to them eventually, but many fans are sick and tired of waiting for that to happen while the Sansas, Jons and Sams of the story are continually made to suffer. 

Let's speed up the process a little by looking at the 10 players left in the game who really have it coming. Some will be obvious (yes, Ramsay Bolton is on the list), others you may have forgotten what complete bastards they actually were - but all have done things that have led to fans baying for their blood.  

10. Jaime Lannister

This will probably end up being the most controversial choice, but despite Jaime becoming a firm fan favourite over the last few seasons, it's important to keep something in mind: he is NOT a good guy. 


Yes, he's been humbled by the loss of his hand, redeemed somewhat through his friendship with Brienne, and he's definitely proven that he has some good qualities - but at the end of the day a leopard (well, a lion in this case) doesn't change his spots... not that much. 

Tossing a child from a window because he caught you shagging your own sister is not something that can be brushed under the carpet, and people seem to forget the rest of the despicable stuff Jaime's done since that. He slaughtered Jory Cassel (who seemed like a very nice fella), beat his own cousin Alton to death in order to escape his cage (seriously, couldn't he have just explained the situation and gotten him to play along?), and only back in season 4 he raped Cersei by the corpse of their son. 

Yeah, lovely chap. 

Jaime may have earned the right to go down fighting, but he's gotta go down. 
