10 Most Emotional Community Moments

Community was cool, cool cool cool, but it also made you cry, cry cry cry.

By Stacey Henley /

Community was a show a little under appreciated during its original run, although it’s since found a much bigger audience now that it’s available for streaming instead of being bounced from time slot to time slot and network to network.


One of the most talented ensembles ever assembled, many on the show have become genuine super stars. It helped launched Ken Jeong’s career, Jim Rash won an Oscar for Adapted Screenplay, Donald Glover became Childish Gambino, Dan Harmon moved onto Rick & Morty, and the Russo Brothers joined the MCU.

That’s not even all of them, either.

With so much talent there, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the show nailed the storytelling as much as it did the gags. It was crammed with emotional moments, tugging at your heartstrings any which way it could.

Despite some changes to the cast throughout and behind-the-scenes drama, the show retained a remarkable consistency throughout. Because it was prepared to delve beneath the surface, we connected with the characters so much more. It’s a trick Harmon repeated with Rick & Morty, and it worked brilliantly in this live-action (mostly) effort too.

10. Jeff Confronts His Dad

Community usually found such a brilliant blend of comedy and emotion; it’s part of why the fanbase is still so fervently connected to the show. Here though, with Jeff’s father having been such a spectre for so long, they go a little heavy with it.


In Season 4, Jeff finally reconnects with his father. He goes to his house for Thanksgiving, with Britta tagging along for emotional support. It turns out Jeff’s dad is just as averse to touchy-feely stuff as Jeff, and the pair have nothing more than a surface level conversation. Britta pushes them for a deeper connection, while Jeff’s weedy half-brother gets jealous that he's no longer the favourite.

When Jeff’s father claims him leaving hasn’t done any harm, the younger Winger lists all the ways he’s been damaged by abandonment. His need to avoid emotions, his craving for status, his desperation for popularity... it all pours out of him.

The only issue is four years in, the audience already knows and it lacks subtlety, but it's still impactful.
