10 Most Important Modern LGBT+ TV Characters

This has been a seminal decade for LGBT+ characters on mainstream television.

By Stacey Henley /

In honour of pride month, LGBT+ people around the world are celebrating their existence, Taylor Swift just released one of the gayest music videos ever, and corporations are lining up to slap the rainbow flag on their wares.


Though some will complain about LGBT+, SJW propaganda being everywhere (yet will still click on articles explicitly about them... curious), it’s important to remember that Pride began not as a parade, but as a riot.

With gay marriage still illegal in several countries around the world and homosexual relationships even punishable by death in some, it’s important to remember the fight is not over.

That’s where media comes in. Television can bring people together, and when it highlights LGBT+ lifestyles without pandering, the results can be huge. Gay people on television are not a new concept, but they had been previously confined to specific queer shows or had been relegated to stereotypes for comedic effect.

Some trailblazers existed, but mainly the representation was sorely lacking. These ten modern TV characters all, in one way or another, broke new ground for the LGBT+ community, or else just captured public attention and aided the LGBT+ cause to live a life of acceptance the world over.

10. Taylor Mason - Billions

Billions is one of those TV shows that you’ve heard decent things about, probably know someone who watches it, but you’ve never gotten around to it yourself. It’s Ballers, it’s Suits, it’s Blue Bloods.


Its the kind of show which will turn out some reliable seasons, please its fans, then quietly go away with a decent season finale. It wants to be an Aaron Sorkin show, but unfortunately it falls short.

Basically, it’s not the kind of show that needs to fish for controversy/virtue signalling, nor is it the kind of show that’s going to rope viewers in with queer representation.

And yet, despite this, in Asia Kate Dillon’s Taylor Mason, they have one of the first non-binary characters on mainstream television.

Their storyline has little if anything to do with their identity, and could do easily have been played by a cis actor. However, they cast Asia Kate Dillon because they were the best for the role, and decided to bring their identity to the small screen too.

It’s a bold and ambitious step for Billions, one which definitely paid off after Dillon was nominated for a Critic’s Choice award for their performance.
