10 New Shows That Already Deserve To Get Cancelled

Sometimes all you need are a few promo shots to know things aren't going to end well.

By Audrey Fox /

Network television is in a more precarious position then ever, with valuable viewers flocking from the more traditional broadcasting corporations that have been around since the days of radio to newer mediums such as Netflix, Hulu, and even HBO and Showtime.


Not only are these entertainment services giving audiences new ways of watching television, they're making a case that it is now financially viable to create more and more experimental and creatively innovative programming, rather than just sticking to the standard template of shows that network has been clinging to for decades.

To be totally fair, network does seem like they're doing their best to stick with the times and come up with some new ideas. But in just as many cases, we can see them churning out programs that are either completely devoid of originality or unapologetic garbage (or both).

And although we've only just seen the trailers for many of these shows, it's relatively easy to pinpoint the weak links that really shouldn't see the light of day, let alone a second season on television.

10. Valor

There are a lot of new tv shows this season that are all about the American military, you guys. It's a foregone conclusion that when you saturate a television market with a bunch of the same product, not all of them are going to survive. Look at how many time travel shows are left standing after the 2016-17 season?


And no offense to Valor, but it seems like it's going to end up being one of the weak links. First of all, there's something about it that just feels patently uninteresting.

It's about a group of helicopter pilots who run clandestine missions, which right off the bat lets you know that the action involved is likely going to be fairly static. Everyone likes the dogfight scenes from Star Wars, but if Valor features too much of that, it's easy to imagine audiences becoming bored.

Also, there just seems like a disconnect between this show and the CW, which it will be airing on. It might make more sense on Fox or CBS or any of the network that cater to the baby boomers, but the CW's demographic skews very young, and it's difficult to see them getting super into a show like this.
