10 Once-Lovable TV Characters Who Became Completely Repulsive

What the hell HAPPENED to you?

By Jacob Trowbridge /

The great thing about episodic television is that it allows writers to really flesh out every character, which, in turn, allows viewers to get more invested in their stories. For the most part this is a huge positive. And, in fact, it's become the preferred method of storytelling for many of Hollywood's writers.


The unfortunate side effect of evolving characters over dozens or even hundreds of episodes is that, whether the showrunners want them to or not, these characters sometimes transform in ways that make the general public want to reach through their TV sets and strangle them until their knuckles start to cramp.

Because television series are like relationships: In the beginning, your partner is pretty much idyllic, to the point you're convinced the only thing that comes out of their butt is rainbows. As you spend more time with them, however, you notice they leave their toenail clippings on the kitchen counter and refuse to watch all Mel Brooks movies.

It can really sting.

So it is with your once-beloved television characters. Eventually, those rainbows fade away and you have to hold your nose every time they appear on screen.

Maybe the writers planned it, or maybe they just couldn't figure out how to sustain a lovable character for 10 seasons. Whatever the case, some truly wonderful, fictional people have been utterly ruined by the time of the series finale.

10. Foggy Nelson (Daredevil)

I want you to imagine yourself in a scenario for a moment. You're a lawyer. A good lawyer, one that takes pride in fighting for "the little guy." Your best friend and law firm partner is an easygoing blind man. But now you find out that he also moonlights as a superhero vigilante. What do you do?


If your answer was "Give him a high five and buy the nearest liquor store out of beer," then good job, you're a true friend.

Foggy Nelson is no such friend. Foggy Nelson gets pouty and distressed, refusing to give his longtime compadre a little kudos for his a*s-kicking, justice-serving second job.

Prior to this discovery, Foggy was serviceable comic relief. Sure, his jokes were never really that funny and the actor behind the character (Elden Henson) could withstand a few more acting classes, but overall, he was a solid counterbalance to Matt Murdock.

But as soon as he found out his blind buddy was the vigilante responsible for cleaning up the streets and, ya know, keeping the city safe from terrible people, he suddenly turned into a total sourpuss and spent most episodes contorting his face into super punchable expressions.
