10 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Miranda

By Colleen Cunha /

I have recently decided that BBC's Miranda is one of the greatest shows I have ever seen. Between the flawed, memorable characters and the whacky slapstick/sitcom situations, every episode delivers an impressive dose of laughs. I mean, who doesn't want to watch a show that combines situational comedy with cut aways, running jokes, asides to the audience, and a cast of colorful characters? Miranda is all that and more. Whether she's pulling up the pants of the belt-less youth or singing her nerves away in front of an inappropriate audience, Miranda Hart's Miranda is a fantastic character to watch. Here are 10 good reasons why you should be watching Miranda too!

10. The Characters

What makes a show good, first off, is the cast of characters. And Miranda has a cast of characters, if you know what I'm saying. We've got Miranda, the lovable doofy every-woman whose life has been full of tumultuous (and comical) ups and downs. She leads the rag-tag group, each with fantastic flaws of their own. Miranda's best friend Stevie is hilarious opposite Miranda- and not just because she's a good foot shorter! Her can-do attitude and peppy confidence pair very well with our protagonist's hopelessness and willingness to take the easy way out. Their competitions are also brilliant to watch, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, there are plenty more characters to discuss! There's Penny, Miranda's middle-class match-making mother, who is in a constant battle with Miranda to better herself and eventually settle with any man that will take her. Then there's Tilly, accompanied sometimes by Fanny, who Miranda was friends with in boarding school as a girl. Tilly won't let her forget their days together where Miranda earned the nickname "Queen Kong" which is also when Tilly picked up a habit of adding bizarre endings to words, for instance making "tremendous" into "tremendulant" (to sound posh maybe? Who knows!) But, best for last, there's Gary. Although often accompanied by the under-utilized Clive, Gary is used plenty in this series. He's the perfect love interest for Miranda- he works as a chef next door to her shop, they've been friends for some time, and he is beautiful. The ups and down of the relationships between all these people in the series is fantastic fodder to create a wonderful show!