10 Recent Sci-Fi TV Shows (You Gave Up On Too Soon)

It's not too late to give these spacey adventures another go.

By Johnny Owens /

Look, we all give up on stuff sometimes. It's tough to see things right through to the end, just look at the accumulation of half-finished handknitted Christmas jumpers we've started over the years. Look, we get it, these things happen, no more often than with TV shows.


In today's age of streaming services, the world of television often feels completely over-saturated most of the time, so we can all be forgiven for giving up on a TV series for one reason or another. Maybe your favourite show started up again and you forgot to check back in on that old one. Or maybe it just never got its hooks into you in the first place.

Over the years there have been myriad sci-fi shows that have fallen afoul of this particular fate, left to gather dust like so many a dejected Christmas puppy. But don't worry, we're not levelling all of the blame on you guys. In fact, the 'you' in the title has two meanings in this case. There's the 'you', reading this, who gave up on these shows too early like a coward. And then there's the 'you' meaning the TV networks who gave up on these shows too early...also like cowards.

So enjoy reading this knowing that not all of the guilt lies with you...although a lot of it still does.

10. Daybreak

Netflix do not currently treat their originals particularly well and, frankly, their current model is pretty broken, and good god if Daybreak isn't a prime example because it didn't even get a shot at getting over the second hurdle.


Now, we all know that Netflix don't give out viewer numbers...but we're hedging our bets that, given Daybreak's premiere date and its cancellation date, the folks over there didn't even have time to read those goddamn numbers.

So, yeah, Netflix gave up on Daybreak way too soon, but there's a good chance you did too, because Daybreak pulled off a pretty great fake out - one that's even addressed by one of the main characters. That fake out is this: we're introduced to a boring, vanilla, white, male protagonist called Josh - because of course he's called Josh - who we've met about a million times over the years. Then by episode four, Daybreak pulls the rug out and we get to meet all the wonderful, three-dimensional and hilariously odd characters who are the real heart of the show.

On top of that, Daybreak was the perfect answer to the zombie overload of the 2010s. It was funny, it was schlocky, and it was fully aware of how cheesy and stupid it was. For shame Netflix - and don't you go anywhere because we're far from done with you.
