10 Characters From The Simpsons Who Were Total Rip-Offs

Call it an homage. Call it a parody. Or call it flat-out thievery. The Simpsons have done it many, many times.

By Adam Woolhouse /

€œAnimation is built on plagiarism. If it weren€™t for someone plagiarizing The Honeymooners we wouldn€™t have The Flintstones. If someone hadn€™t ripped off Sergeant Bilko, there€™d be no Top Cat. Huckleberry Hound, Chief Wiggum, Yogi Bear? Hah! Andy Griffith, Edward G. Robinson, Art Carney.€ €“ Roger Meyers, Jr. €œThe Day The Violence Died,€ Season 7 of The Simpsons. The Simpsons has introduced television audiences to a cast of thousands in its 25 years on television, and not every character is 100% original. Most of the Simpsons€™ family is named after creator Matt Groening€™s own family, with many more characters named after pets, street names, and more in Groening€™s hometown of Portland, Oregon. And then there are the characters that are more than just €œnamed after€ someone or something else. Call it an homage. Call it a parody. Or call it flat-out thievery. Whatever you prefer, The Simpsons have done it many, many times. Here are the Top 10 Simpsons Characters Ripped-Off From Other Characters. Some are based fictional characters, some are based on real people, and some are based on multiple people/places/characters.