10 Terrifying Secrets Hidden In Huge TV Shows

Did you know you could die just from watching Black Mirror?

By Scott Banner /

No matter how much you think you know about a TV series, no matter how many times you've binged it from start to finish, chances are there are some things you missed. These details barely pull focus, if at all, but can add a completely new dimension to the series.


This could come in any number of ways. Shows like Community have mastered environmental storytelling, often going through entire narratives in the background, but while such moments act as little more than fun details or Easter eggs, other series have gone much deeper, and darker than this.

Shadowy background figures can stalk characters without ever being noticed, villains can be right under your nose all along with no one being any the wiser, secret stories about the deaths of many innocent children can be hidden in the details of a wider narrative, and more.

You'd possibly expect to see a creepy detail or two scattered throughout some of the following shows, while others potentially not so much. Regardless, whether expected or not, they are hidden away only to ultimately reveal a terrifying, creepy, or downright uncomfortable secret if the audience knows where to look.

10. The Family Had A Stalker - The Umbrella Academy

There was a time (before seasons three and four) when The Umbrella Academy was truly exceptional, as the team was initially brought back together only to be blown apart again by the meddling of Leonard Peabody (John Magaro). However, he may not have been the Academy's only obsessive stalker.


While he targeted Vanya (Elliot Page) and used her powers to try and bring her brothers and sisters down, there was someone else more subtle who just seemed to keep showing up. Four times the same woman found herself in close proximity to the Academy, spanning decades with no change to her appearance, which simply cannot be a coincidence. 

She was there when they stopped the bank robbery in one of the show's first flashbacks, she was at the rave with Klaus (Robert Sheehan) and Luther (Tom Hopper), she watched Klaus activate his briefcase on the bus, and finally asked the siblings if Five (Aiden Gallagher) would like to bowl with her children when they were planning on how to save the impending apocalypse. 

There is just no way this actor could have been used as an extra on four separate occasions without someone noticing, right? Surely there must have been some ulterior motive here that will now never be revealed. Who knows who she really was or what her true purpose may have been?
