10 The Big Bang Theory Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind

Is Penny actually smarter than she shows herself to be?

By Adam Morrison /

Even though it came to an end in May 2019, The Big Bang Theory remains one of the most beloved sitcoms of the modern generation of television. Its ensemble of geeky characters and relatable storylines - in some places, anyway - allowed it to grow in popularity on a year by year basis.


With such a strong fanbase supporting TBBT, it comes as no surprise that the show racked up its fair share of fan theories along the way. Besides, is a show actually great if it doesn't have a handful of theories surrounding it? In this case, it's even in the name for crying out loud.

What makes these ten fan theories so good, though, is that the more you think about them, the more you think to yourself that they could possibly be true. That's exactly what separates a good fan theory from an abysmal one: the probability of it actually existing, regardless of how bizarre it would make the show look in hindsight.

From shocking family secrets to backgrounds that completely change a character's role in the story, Big Bang Theory fans have given themselves more to talk about than the actual show itself did.

10. The Guys Cause An Apocalypse

As it pertains to modern television intros, The Big Bang Theory's is certainly an iconic one. Going through the entire history of the world until present day, culminating on a shot of the gang sat in Sheldon and Leonard's apartment eating takeout, all to the tune of The Barenaked Ladies' melodic voices - it does everything it needs to.


The fact that the timeline of the world ends with a shot of our beloved geeks has led many TBBT fans to speculate as to what this could mean.

One Reddit user is under the assumption that it relates to the fact the world ends with The Big Bang Theory.

The theory suggests that because of the guys spending more time with their respective other halves or geeking out on the latest advancement in the sci-fi world, it means their full attention won't be directed towards their work, inadvertently causing the apocalypse which ends the world as we know it.

It's not exactly uncommon for the male quartet to make irresponsible moves in their everyday lives - keep in mind, Howard did crash the Mars Rover that one time - so this isn't exactly a wild theory so to speak.
