9 Things You Learn Rewatching Game Of Thrones Season 2

Prophecies DO come true.

By Michael Potts /

Season 1 laid the groundworks for Game Of Thrones. Looking back, it almost feels like a separate prequel to the main event due to the vastly different characters and themes, but there are moments that are just as relevant now as when the show was first aired.


However, once the series progressed into its second run, storylines firmed up, seeds were sewn, and the show really started to resemble the all-conquering behemoth it has become today.

Season 2 was a huge turning point for the show as Joffrey and the Lannisters strengthened their grip, Tywin and Stannis entered the mix, Robb kickstarted his rebellion and Tyrion set fire to Blackwater Bay. And that's only scratching the surface.

Here are 9 major things you learn after rewatching Game Of Thrones Season 2...

9. Walkers On The March

The lasting memory from Season 2 comes at the very end, with the eye-opening glimpse of White Walker forces sweeping through the cold North. It was a huge moment for TV itself, with the enormous scale of the show slowly starting to be uncovered.


The chieftain looked stunning, and the whole scene was a perfect way to round off a dramatic season South of the Wall. It built on the background threat of the walkers, and was an early sign they had plenty of power behind them.

Everyone speculated that their invasion would come soon into Season 3, but in true Thrones style, the walkers waited. They hung around until Season 5 and unleashed their power on Hardhome. It's incredible to see that battle set in motion so early on.
