10 TV Shows Whose Titles Ended Up Making No Sense

Watching it is like reading the label on a box and then opening it up to find the contents are nothing like what you expected.

By Grace Murray /

A title is sort of like a brand name for a television show, so it's a little disconcerting when you realise that title makes absolutely no sense. It's not that the episode happened to be unusual, or that you've missed some deep hidden meaning, but that the show has simply no connection to its name and hasn't for some time. Watching it is like reading the label on a box and then opening it up to find the contents are nothing like what you expected. It can be difficult for network executives and even writers to predict exactly where the series will be at its conclusion, especially if it lasts for several years, but you'd think they'd try to choose a title which would give them some wriggle room. Take Friends, for example: it was never going to win any awards for originality, but it was simple, catchy and did the job. Apparently, those responsible for the titles of these shows had yet to hear of planning ahead, because some are still on the air and have already irrevocably distanced themselves from their titles. Others ended years ago and by their series finales their titles were more of an embarrassment than a statement of purpose. All have names which we'd rather just forget, which is the last thing a brand name should do.