10 Wasted Simpsons Characters That Deserved Better

Why did Scorpio never visit Springfield?

By Scott Banner /

Ever since it first appeared as a crude short on The Tracey Ullman Show way back in 1987, The Simpsons has changed drastically. It has gone on to become one of the longest running shows in all of television, with seasons 33 and 34 set to release over the next few years, and is nothing short of iconic.


As the show has gone on, the cast of characters has grown exponentially with it. Though it started out as a focus on the five that made up the titular family, there is now an entire town filled with developed and loved characters that writers can draw on at any time.

However, there are also characters that are established within Springfield, and though could be utilised to great effect, have seemingly been forgotten about, or even killed off.

In a setting as big, with so many characters as Springfield, it's understandable that not every character gets the screen time fans want them to, but there are now over 700 episodes of the show, and still these ten characters have never been allowed to live up to their full potential. They could have been huge assets to The Simpsons, but instead have been wasted.

10. Miss Pennycandy

Before Krusty the Clown settled into his role as just another citizen in the crazy town of Springfield, he was a huge celebrity. He was a big deal, and as a TV personality more respected than all the scientists, doctors, and educators in the country put together, he had a secretary in Miss. Pennycandy.


Krusty's ego was far too big to begin with, and he felt his time not worthy of someone like Bart Simpson, who not only was one of his biggest ever fans, but actually saved him from going to jail. This was where Miss. Pennycandy's role came into things.

She acted as something of a conscience for Krusty when his own failed him. She all but forced him to go and see Bart when he wouldn't, and could have built an even greater relationship with Krusty should she have been kept around for longer, but instead she was limited to just three speaking appearances.

She has appeared next to Krusty as late as season 18's 'G.I. D'oh', so is clearly still living in Springfield and is part of the clown's staff, so why couldn't she have had any proper roles between then and season six's 'Homie the Clown' - the last time her voice was heard?
