10 Ways To Save Family Guy

The Seth MacFarlane series is on the brink - what can save it?

By Jay Anderson /

People loved Family Guy to the extent fans actually brought it back from cancellation twice. It was the little show that could, then turned into the big show that would (do anything). Now it's all a little tired, totally out of steam and derided by its once die-hard audience. It's essentially in a Simpsons teen-years creative funk, and while it still churns out the occasional laugh-filled episode, it's just not the show it once was. Where did it go wrong? What happened to Seth MacFarlane's breakthrough hit that has resulted in episodes more and more frequently being an unfunny mess? That's hard to pinpoint. There's no single issue to blame, really. The most accurate answer is probably a combination of outside projects for its creator, creative fatigue, and dwindling appearances from key actors. It's not past all hope, mind you. Though the Comic Book Guy's of the world want to scoff at modern episodes of their favourite show like it's a badge of honour, chomping at the bit waiting for the moment they can claim a popular show has outlived its peak popularity and is in decline, most quality shows are capable of entertaining well into their twilight years. So with that in mind, here are ten ways Family Guy can be brought back from the brink.