11 Forgotten Christmas Specials You Probably Haven't Seen

The greatest Christmas specials that have sadly faded out of memory...

By Vinnie Bartilucci /

Unless you're very old, there are dozens, possibly hundreds of Christmas specials that you've missed, either because you didn't think you'd care for it, or more likely, they only ran a single time, possibly before you were ever born, and never again (for good reason.) Sometimes they were terrible, or just Seemed Like A Good Idea (and decidedly weren't,) while some may have just been dated before they were even finished: for whatever reason, Christmas specials vanish more often than species of spider in the Amazon. A lot of these one-shot-wonders are getting new life on DVD and content-desperate classic TV cable channels, but not all. So to cherish those that remain lost, or at least under-loved, we're looking back at a few, for better or worse. And no, there's no place for The Star Wars Holiday Special, because if you actually wanted to see it, you probably have.