12 Bloodthirsty TV Episodes That Killed The Most Characters

These shocking episodes of beloved TV shows were out for their main characters' blood.

By Taylor Linyard /

Almost since television was first created, people have been creating TV shows to entertain, inform, and even influence the world beyond people's screens.


However, something TV shows are also definitely well known for is the brutal destruction of beloved characters before our very eyes. These deaths are seen by millions of shocked and traumatised audience members around the world and are often found in the very best episodes of a TV show or at least the most talked-about...for better or worse. Admittedly, it can be strange when fictional human beings gets more attention than real-life folks, but that's just how the entertainment industry works, I'm afraid.

On the one hand, death on TV can often be heartbreaking if it's a fan-favourite character. But it can also be equally satisfying if it's a villain who goes. That, in its own unique way, shows the true power of death on television.

No matter the era these shows were created in, whether through good writing, acting, or even simply having a bunch of likeable actors/characters meet their bitter demise onscreen, these collection of deaths on screen proved that TV can shock the world with its bloodlust.

12. The Witcher: Much More

Netflix's The Witcher got off to a great start with its first season, filled with monsters, comedy, blood, and a whole lot of confusing timelines. But it's in the season finale where things really kick-off.


In a very risky move, the final episode of The Witcher contains very little of the Witcher himself. Instead, he's sidelined with a life-threatening disease.

The episode pits the ragtag army of witches and humans against the well trained, seemingly unstoppable armies of Nilfgaard as the army of darkness attacks a small fortress named Sodden.

The battle is somehow better than the battle of Winterfell in the last season of Game of Thrones, or at least feels a lot more chaotic, and actually kills more main characters. And when Yennefer unlocks the full power within herself, shooting a massive wave of fire across the battlefield, she shows how strong she truly can be, frying almost all of Nilfgaard's forces in one epic scene.

Overall the battle is pretty short but effective in killing plenty of characters and sets up a ton of exciting stories for season two to pick up from.
