20 Doctor Who Moments We'll NEVER Forget

A selection of truly unforgettable moments from 60 years in the TARDIS.

By Mark Donaldson /

For 60 years, Doctor Who has been providing us with unforgettable moments, so how do we narrow them down to just 20?


Well, firstly, it's worth dispensing with Doctor Who's big speeches - your Zygon Inversions, things like that. Regenerations and companion exits are also a list unto themselves, and we all know how memorable they are without them crowding out some of Doctor Who's other unforgettable moments.

After all, the beauty of Doctor Who is that it's not always about tub thumping speeches or the spectacular light show triggered by a regeneration. It's about the way it seamlessly combines the alien with the everyday, or how it can be simultaneously silly and spine-chillingly terrifying.

So with that in mind, the following list collects 60 years of Doctor Who's big emotional moments, bizarre swings, and relatable glimpses of everyday reality.

Here's to the next 60 years, here's to the future.

20. Ra-Ra Rasputin (The Power Of The Doctor)

Sure, John Simm's Master wheeling an elderly David Tennant around to the Scissor Sisters is iconic, but nothing beats Sacha Dhawan's gloriously deranged disco dancing in The Power of the Doctor.


The story goes that Dhawan misread the script and effectively improvised the moment. Improvisation is key to Doctor Who's success given its persistent lack of time and money, and nowhere is this better realized than the Master busting some sick moves to Boney M while taunting the Doctor.

Possibly another perfect bit of improv was the Dalek and Cyberman actors looking quizzically at each other when presented with the Master's dance routine. It's one of Doctor Who's most chaotic and hilarious sequences from the past 60 years.
