27 Things Only Fans Of The Walking Dead Will Understand

When Daryl dies, we riot.

By Sara Weir /

There are certain truths you have to accept as a fan of The Walking Dead. You now know that Carl is pronounced 'Coral', that blowing up tanks with hand grenades is now a life challenge and that it's only acceptable to miss Shane for a little while. And obviously, literally nobody cares even slightly about Lori and her death was the only commendable thing that Coral has ever done. And that's precisely why everyone loves the post-apocalyptic show with the very attractive cast, who look nowhere near as dirty as they probably should. It's as dependable as it is entertaining, and the unexpected twists are incredibly affecting. With the excellent season five nearing its end, fans will inevitably be forced to endure some major revelations before the unavoidable annoyance of the long. slow sleep between seasons kicks off again. In that time fans will inevitably pick over their love, revisiting the best moments and falling in love with the show all over again. And for those fans, there are some universal truths and problems that only they will understand...

27. Walkers Will Always Be Creeping

Always. Whether they're hiding in a bush or a basement, you need to be on your guard but you can't understand how people are still getting attacked by walkers from behind. They're pretty slow and their heavy breathing is a big giveaway that a dead person is behind you, especially in broad daylight.