28 Hottest New TV Shows Currently In Production

Wondering what you'll be watching in 2015 and 2016? Wonder no more...

By Chris Waugh /

TV is going through somewhat of a boom right now - not only are traditional networks in America and Britain still producing some consistently-brilliant shows, but the arrival of online-only offerings from the likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime means there has never been such a great variety of content to view. Add to that the fact that people can readily view almost any episode of any series they wish to online or via Netflix or other on-demand TV providers whenever they wish, production companies know they must constantly offer fresh and varied programmes in order to keep their customers coming back for more. With the likes of "Daredevil", "Fortitude" and "Better Call Saul" being the big hitters of 2015 to date, viewers have been left wondering what else is going to beam on to their television sets in the coming weeks, months and years. Thankfully, you will be spoilt for choice. Not only are classic franchises offering up new shows - for example "Scream" and "Halo" are arriving in completely new formats - but there are also various new series, ranging from dramas, to science fiction, to spy thrillers and comedies. So here are the 28 hottest brand new TV shows currently in production and that will be shown on your screens sometime within the next two years...