4 Sincere Reasons The Jeremy Kyle Show Needs To Disappear

By Andrew /

A lot of people are aware there's a large segment of TV programming that's generally pretty dire. In some instances it can even be annoying. Whether it's poorly acted, badly written or has an equal blend of being so bad that you can't stop watching it, television is often the butt of jokes in terms of its quality. However, there are some shows that transgress into an area that could be seen as harmful. If you're like me and terrible chat shows make you cringe and reach for the remote, you could probably swap the title above for any number of the other variations out there. For now, I'm going to offer a genuinely sincere case as to why the Jeremy Kyle Show is a damaging program that needs to go away. The easiest answer to my solution is to just not watch it. Obviously I don't, but my girlfriend does and is a fan of the show. I'm not aiming to come at this from an I'm-better-than-people-who-watch-Jeremy-Kyle angle. I'm more concerned about the effect it's having on British audiences (and American ones too, since the show went overseas). If you're unfamiliar with the concept, read the Wikipedia entry here for some background knowledge.