5 Common TV Show Flaws And How to Fix Them

By Laurence Gardner /

As an avid TV fan, it€™s often frustrating to see potentially great shows ruined by lazy scriptwriting, planning or development. Of course, there€™s no such thing as a €˜perfect€™ television show, and while a show may not be to my personal taste, I€™d always respect other people€™s right to enjoy it. Some flaws, however, make you wonder whether or not the scriptwriters actually care about the world they€™re creating. Flaws like...

5. Inconsistency

The main offenders are shows with large writing teams, presumably because not everyone remembers all the details that other scriptwriters have mentioned. I can forgive some slight lapses €“ although really, is it that hard to remember a character€™s age? Some shows, however, seem to change their mind about things like a character€™s personality and their religious and political views on a weekly basis. The worst culprit I€™ve ever encountered is Glee. This list mentions some of the more obvious inconsistencies, and it€™s a hefty 9000 words long. I don€™t know how a Glee writer sets out to write a four week character arc, but I imagine it would go something like this. Week 1: Female character has a heart of gold. Gives generously to charity. Flirts with Will SchuesterWeek 2: Character treats the rest of the cast terribly. Flirts with Will Schuester.Week 3: Character reverts to treating everyone well, but suddenly has a long term drinking problem. Flirts with Will Schuester.Week 4: Character starts a lesbian relationship. Now, personally I find it permissible if there€™s a minor continuity error between Season 1 and Season 46 of Dr Who, but when even casual viewers can€™t help noting the inconsistencies of a TV show, one really has to wonder how much effort the scriptwriting team is putting into their work. How to Fix It: Hire a continuity editor. It€™s that simple. The internet is full of people (such as myself) who spend their free time picking apart these inconsistencies, so hire one to make sure these mistakes don€™t keep happening.