7 Actors That Should've Been Nominated For An Emmy

By Collin Llewellyn /

The Emmy nominations came out this week and no doubt there are some upset fans across the TV watching world. Award shows are fun. It€™s nice to see our favorite shows, actors/actresses, writers, and directors all get recognition for the show that we dedicate hours of our lives to. With that said, it€™s also a bummer when some of our favorites don€™t get the recognition they should. I€™m one of those people. But it€™s also important to remember that award or no award, great shows are still great shows, and great performers are still great performers. Let€™s take a look at some of those actors and actresses who got snubbed this year. Agree or disagree? Have any snubs of your own to add? Leave a comment! Be advised, spoilers ahead in the descriptions.

7. Peter Krause - Parenthood

Now, I just might be a sucker for Peter Krause, and I personally think it€™s a shame he wasn€™t recognized for his work in Six Feet Under. His portrayal as Adam Braverman this past year was certainly his best work since the HBO funeral home drama. This year Krause captured a range from goofy dad scheduling €œFunky Town€ on his iPhone for nights to be intimate with his wife, to sending a daughter off to college, and of course, the heartbreaking moments of his wife€™s breast cancer. Perhaps his most Emmy-deserved moment came when Adam bought Christina a wig, which she reacted poorly to, and like the great guy we all want to be or have in our life, he let it go and was there for her. Come on ladies, he stole pot from his brother to give to his sick wife, he€™s a keeper.