7 Huge Mistakes Made By Game Of Thrones Characters

Yes, Ned Stark features. He features a lot.

By Jeff Schuman /

For all of the twists and turns the plot of Game of Thrones has taken over the years, it is arguably the characters that really drive the show. Viewers have their favourites of course; for every fan of Ned, there€™s just as many who root for Bronn. Those in Dany€™s corner are equaled by those who champion Arya. Yet one of the aspects that unite all the characters in and around Westeros is their ability to, quite simply, get things wrong. All people make mistakes in life, but not many have to face the dire consequences of choosing wrong and having your head end up on a spike, or sewn to a direwolf, for that matter. Consequently, one would think the characters would be a bit more careful with what they decide to do. The ways in which they perceive each other in error and then make decisions that are built upon those erroneous perceptions is at times staggering. Time and again, if Ned or Catelyn or Cersei had simply stopped and thought about what they were doing before they did it, things may have turned out very differently in the Seven Kingdoms. What follows are just a few of the many mistakes that various characters have made over the course of the series. These mistakes have inevitably lead to more hardships, tragedies, and blood being spilt than in the entire history of Westeros, but as fans have learned repeatedly: Valar Morghulis.