8 Game Of Thrones Moments That Are So Much Better In The Book

There's a lot you can do with five books and several thousand pages...

By Brian Wilson /

One of the great things about Game Of Thrones is just how expansive it is. The geography and locations are incredibly well realized, full of little details and intricacies. The same goes for the characters, too, and the history of Westeros depicted on the show. All of this brilliance stems from George R.R. Martin's A Song Of Ice And Fire series, spanning five books and thousands of pages. But the story only goes so far €“ there are still at least two more books to come before Martin's story is finished. This is one of the major issues that the television show has encountered, and the writers have had to start making big changes to accommodate for it. Though there were lots of niggling little details altered at the start (certain character ages are wildly incorrect) many of these were necessary for a successful adaptation. But as the show runs out of source material, even greater liberties are being taken, like the absence of Lady Stoneheart and all that stuff about Jaime going to Dorne. Not only that, but the time constraints experienced by the television show mean that many scenarios have to be cut or changed. Take a certain murder by Jaime Lannister, for example, or Stannis' lasting memory of Renly. The result? A huge number of moments that are, put simply, so much better in the book.
