8 Insane Gritty Reboots That Would Improve Classic TV Shows

By Andy T Coombs /

Reboots are all the rage these days. You can't turn on the telly or go down the cinema without running into warmed up leftovers from decades past. It's just getting worse too. We're getting reboots of reboots and remakes of shows and movies from less than a decade ago €“ they want to remake Charmed now apparently, and that's got to be scraping. Entertainment companies like to play it safe by placing their bets on a known property rather than taking a risk with something relatively original. This doesn't always work €“ who remembers the Beverley Hillbillies disaster from some years ago? Nobody? There you go. It's not all bad though. Sometimes a reboot can put a knowing twist on things like the Brady Bunch movies from back in the '90s which I personally thought were quite funny. Keeping them in their wholesome polyester clad '70s context and dropping them in the harsh and cynical present made for laughs. But the best kind of reboot is where it all gets darker and edgier. There have been so many shows ripe to be mined for edge of the seat unpleasantness, some obvious and some not so obvious. So here we go with my attempt to grit up some shows...