9 Easter Eggs Hidden In TV Shows That Went Over Your Head

Don't feel bad, you're definitely not the only one who didn't notice.

By Jacob Trowbridge /


We don't always get to see the results of the hard work that are put into our favorite TV shows. Much of the behind-the-scenes effort goes unnoticed or, at the very least, unappreciated by the general viewing public. And that's probably a huge bummer for the people who spend nearly every waking hour pouring their heart and soul into a piece of television.


Often, in the spirit of testing their audience to see who'sactuallypaying attention to their laboring, a director or writer or other various crew member will find a way to work little hidden gems into the background of a scene.

Maybe it's something innocuous - like their spouse's initials or a bit of signage from anothershow they've worked on - or maybe it's a giant plot spoiler that only the most perceptive viewer would ever catch.


It's normally not that obvious (hence the term "easter egg"), but there are surely people out there who are obsessive enough to catch these buried bits. And that's most of the point. Whereasshow's from decades ago did this purely to amuse themselves, now they actuallywantpeople to find these things.

Because, ya know...we have the internet now.
