9 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Deserve To Die

Some characters really need to meet their pointy end.

By Barry Quinn /

There are ample questionable characters in the realms of Game of Thrones. Some characters we love (Tyrion, Dany, Arya), some characters we loathe (Ramsay, Bran, Tormund), and some characters we simply love to hate (Joffrey, Joffrey, Joffrey!). In a show famous for its bloodshed, a lot of characters have thus far met the pointy end. People drop like flies in and around Westeros, and if you get an invite to a wedding, it€™s probably safer to decline. There have been some truly memorable death scenes in the four seasons comprising this epic. Who can forget Viserys Targaryen€™s golden crown? Or Robb and Catelyn€™s slaughter at the Red Wedding? Or Joffrey Baratheon€™s poisoned pie at the Purple Wedding? And those are just the main characters. Thousands of peripheral characters have been slaughtered, hacked to pieces and incinerated with wildfire. Westeros and its subsidiaries is a pretty dangerous place to live. Despite all the bloodshed that has already occurred, we still want more. Death is an inescapable part of the fascination we have with Game of Thrones. There are scores of characters whom we simply despise, and would rather they met the pointy end sooner rather than later. Below we list just some of these characters, and give reasons why they need to die now. As in: this very second. In Game of Thrones anything can happen, so expect all or none of these to ultimately perish.