American Dad: 10 Disturbing Scenes That Somehow Made It Past The Censors

By Nathan Ferguson /

Let me start off by admitting I'm 25 years old and still find the odd rude joke and toilet talk funny, so of course I'm a big fan of American Dad. How can you not laugh at an Alien, a patriotic trigger happy father with a daughter who's the complete opposite, an airhead, overprotective housewife, and a teenage boy who's the geekiest of the geeks? Not to mention a talking fish and various other oddballs in the town of Langley Falls. But even avid American Dad fans have to admit the show takes it a little too far a little too often, with discriminatory jokes that offends races, religions, and peoples sexuality. And what about other things that may cause offence, sickening situations that we've endured in our lounge rooms, some we may have even laughed at. Here's 10 mad moments that aren't racist or fascist €“ they're just plain wrong. They're the 10 filthy scenes that somehow made it past the censors!