Arrow: 10 Things That Need To Happen Next

Vigilantes only need one lung, right?

By Laura Hurley /

The first nine episodes of the third season of The CW's Arrow have been divisive among fans. The season opened with huge dynamic shifts from the finale of Season 2, and the premiere almost felt like a second pilot as it established a new normal for the characters. Oliver attempted to woo his lady love, and Felicity took off her glasses and allowed herself to hope. Diggle became a father as Lyla gave birth to a baby girl. Roy got a fancy red leather suit as he was promoted from straggler to full-fledged sidekick. Captain Lance publicly embraced the vigilante as a hero and Laurel worked from within the system to prosecute the criminals obtained without. It's never safe to say that things are looking up for the good guys of Starling City, but the new status quo did not leave things entirely looking down. And then Sara took three black arrows to the abdomen and fell from a rooftop, bouncing off of a dumpster and landing on her head at Laurel's feet. It was kind of a bummer. Ever since the premiere, Arrow has struggled to find a balance between the ongoing development of comic mythology and the cases of the week for Team Arrow that now included a secret investigation into the Canary's death. A resolution of sorts to the Sara Lance murder mystery came in a midseason finale (entitled "The Climb") that ended with a cliffhanger that will by necessity change the rules of the Arrow universe for the rest of the show's run. Now, with Arrow on hiatus until January 21, viewers are left to speculate about what might be in store for the second half of Season 3. The possibilities are endless, and the producers seem to delight in discombobulating fans. Nevertheless, there are some things that absolutely need to happen next. Here are the ten biggest.