Arrow Season 4: 12 Questions We're Asking After 'Lost Souls'

Legends of Tom-Arrow...

By James Hunt /

How you feel about Lost Souls may depend on which lens you view it through. As an episode of Arrow, it's rather overstuffed, with too many plot-lines, returning characters, and things that it wants to accomplish. If, however, you look at it from the point of view of being given the job of setting up Legends of Tomorrow, while still trying to work as an Arrow episode, then it does a pretty reasonable job. The spectre (no Ray, not the James Bond organisation) of the Arrow/Flash spin-off series has loomed over both shows this season, but generally they've found a way to make it work. Captain Cold has a good side? Fair enough. You're bringing Sara Lance back from the dead? Er, ok. This, though, is the most blatant yet, as it works on fully restoring Sara, and brings Ray Palmer back from the not-actually-dead as well. Within that, there's also another fight between Green Arrow and the Season 4 Big Bad, Damien Darhk, the reveal it was the villain who had possession of Ray, the return of Donna Smoak, and lots of Olicity drama. Arrow has had a problem before with trying to do too much in it's 43-minute runtime, and that's definitely the case here. It's not a bad episode, just a muddled one. It's a shame that it comes at this stage of this season, which was up until this point going through an impeccable run of form, and kick-starts what Stephen Amell described as being one of the "strongest stretches ever." I'm guessing episode 7 must be a lot better then, and hopefully answers some of these questions.