Boardwalk Empire Will Lose Paz de la Huerta In New Season

De la Huerta plays Lucy Dazinger a speakeasy performer with a hot temper and former mistress of Nucky Thompson.

By Jay D. /

Boardwalk Empire will be letting go Paz de la Huerta in season 3. de la Huerta plays Lucy Dazinger a speakeasy performer with a hot temper and former mistress of Nucky Thompson. Those that are fans of the show know that this will be one of several characters not coming back for the third season. Those that are not fans of the show, but are planning to be, now is probably a good time to look away because of, you know, spoilers. The final episode of the second season, well actually the final minutes, brought a certain demise to a lot of regular cast members, including Michael Pitt and Dabney Coleman. Lucy's future, however, was a little less certain. Season 2 saw her run away from Atlantic City after giving birth to Van Alden's brand new baby girl. It looks like the show will not follow her, wherever she may be, and that we will never see the return of Paz de la Huerta. How much we are actually loosing is still uncertain.