Breaking Bad: 10 Times Walter White Made You Genuinely Root For Him

"Say my name..."

By Lee Connor /

Few TV programmes in recent times have taken the viewer on an emotional rollercoaster when it comes to investing in characters quite like Vince Gilligan's Breaking Bad.


In a show full of intriguing character arcs and development, few capture your attention like the main protagonist, Walter White.

On the surface, Walt is as bland as they come. Couped in an Elementary School teaching basic chemistry to kids who show little interest, there's little going for Walt in all honesty. That is, of course, until he ends up deeply involved in the world of multi-million-pound drug deals and proceeds to be party too, or indeed carry out, a number of despicable acts for his own benefit.

But for all his misdemeanours and questionable actions, the beauty of Walt and the genius of Bryan Cranston and the writers, is their ability to still make it feel like you should be rooting for him throughout the show.

It's what's contributed to a whole online fascination around if you are 'Team Walt' or 'Team Jesse' and has led to many a debate among the Breaking Bad community as to who you should back.

For all Walt's faults during Breaking Bad, he still manages to get you behind him on more than one occasion, starting with this satisfying 'up yours' to one particularly grating character...

10. His Relationship With Bogdan

It's one of the very first things we get to see about Walt's life outside of the classroom in season one and it's safe to say that there aren't too many people who like car-wash owner, Bogdan.


Bogdan essentially humiliates Walt, asking him to pull extra shifts and clean cars, much to the amusement of some of Walt's students.

However, there's more than one occasion when Walt uses Bogdan to get you right behind him as a character.

Shortly after finding out he has cancer, Walt trashes some of the reception area of the business before telling Bogdan to "Wipe down this!", while thrusting and gripping his crotch in Bogdan's direction.

It's a satisfying moment in itself what gets you backing Walt from the get-go.

Bogdan eventually gets his comeuppance in season four at the hands of both Walt and Skyler, who buy Bogdan out after staging the fact the site has a pollution problem with the help of Saul Goodman.

Walt smashing the photo frame containing the dollar bill and using it as a final small win over Bogdan is not only satisfying for the viewer, but shows just how far Walt has come from the man he was in season one.
