Breaking Bad Season 5: 10 Things That Must Happen Before It Ends

Vince Gilligan has to tie up these threads in the final 13 episodes.

By Shaun Munro /

As of this week, there are only 13 episodes left in AMC's freakishly addictive, devilishly brilliant Breaking Bad, and while it won't be winding up for a little over a year yet - with the 16-episode season being split in half - we are already seeing the cogs of destiny turning for Walter White and co. One can expect that by the time episode 8 rolls around, we are going to be fully aware of the trajectory things are likely to take, and here are 10 things that Vince Gilligan should be steering towards in that time.

1. Skyler Breaks Bad

Skyler's moral compass has slowly been heading south over the course of the show, initially demonstrating repulsion at Walt's behaviour - even threatening to report him to the authorities - but now acting as what would legally be termed an accessory, her silent acceptance of his actions implying a tacit approval, as she helps operate the car wash that serves as a means of laundering Walt's sizable funds. The most telling scene, however, came during the season five premiere, as Skyler learns that Ted is still alive. Upon visiting him, she observes the extent of the assault she ordered - albeit not expecting such excessive results - and though initially horrified, quickly puts up a defensive, callous and cold exterior once Ted assures her that he won't be turning her in. It isn't clear how exactly she would break bad, but I imagine it would be in the name of her family, and likely directed towards Walt.