Breaking Bad: Vince Gilligan's 'Battle Creek' Ordered By CBS

By Edward Owen /

The Hollywood Reporter. The Emmy-winning mastermind has been granted a series production order for the 2014-15 season for a Michigan-set detective drama Battle Creek, although it is unconfirmed whether he will direct. The project, first developed at the network in 2002, is set up at Sony TV and CBS TV studios, and will see another Sony big beast on creative duties €“ House creator David Shore. Shore is attached to the fledgling drama as showrunner and is reportedly attempting to update a decade-old, already-penned pilot script. The show will apparently focus on two detectives with opposite ideologies who are teamed up in an effort to fight crime in the eponymous Battle Creek, Michigan. CBS have reportedly ordered a 13-episode run for series, hoping Gilligan can match Bad's critically-acclaimed, award-winning quality €“ the show recently took the Best Drama Emmy. Yet one thing is certain €“ with AMC's Breaking Bad spin-off Better Call Saul as potential competition, Gilligan's projects might just be dominating our telly-boxes for a long time to come.
