Darabont Be Praised: First Look at THE WALKING DEAD's Zombies

By Simon Gallagher /


Everyone who's anyone in comic book circles would tell you that Constantine and Jonah Hex should have been HBO mini-series, and that is an utter, utter disgrace that the long rumoured Preacher mini-series has thus-far failed to materialise with the freshest spin on the story having a feature-length penned for development in 2011 from a John August script (pah! Give me a mini-series every time, I say).

So it is incredibly exciting that arguably the most exciting mini-series of all made it through the net and has the wind in its sails if the zombie-pics released today through the series' official Facebook page are anything to go by.


Take the leap to check out what all the excitement is about...

Around October this year we will see the release of one of the most hotly anticipated comic-book/mini-series adaptations ever, as The Walking Dead hits living room screens in an almighty explosion of gore and guts. Today, AMC used the series' social media presence to release the first pics of the real stars of the show...


Frank Darabont is a bloody genius. To have a man of his calibre attached to the AMC production of Robert Kirkman's epic horror-fest is just about as exciting a development as they come, even despite the odd (but hopefully inspired) left-field casting of Brit Andrew Lincoln in the lead of the deeply American story.

If the quality of these images is any kind of indication of the overall quality of the series, AMC and Darabont will have a phenomenal hit on their hands- and I'm talking True Blood size.


Production on AMC's The Walking Dead started today, Wednesday 2nd June 2010, and the series is rumoured to be hitting screens on Halloween, as it so rightly deserves). I look forward to watching this Jim Carrey-looking sonofabitch doing his brain-chomping thing around in roughly five months...
