David Lynch Working Twin Peaks Season 4?

Gotta Light? Because you might need a cigarette after this...

By Michael Sidgwick /


"Break the code, solve the crime."


- FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks

That code is as follows:


The official Twitter account for the Hollywood Horror Museum - on which David Lynch's daughter Jennifer serves as a board member - tweeted recently:

"Someone we know who is "in the know" just let something Very Interesting slip about the future of TWIN PEAKS / If it's true, we'll be squealing and giddy in 2020!"


Tellingly, no such activity hinted at the recent announcement of the Twin Peaks: From Z To A box set. Immediately, this feels bigger. Does it go all the way to Washington?

The AV Club's Britt Hayes earned her induction into the Blue Rose task force with her tantalising - or very cruel - investigation into this blossoming evening of mystery, in which she reminded us that, apropos of nothing, a full four years after 2017's The Return began filming in Washington, David Lynch had extended his "love" to the people of King County. Lynch famously takes an eternity do anything, but a simple "thanks" shouldn't take that long, no?


On September 18, famous Peaks filming location, the Salish Lodge & Spa that doubles as the Great Northern Hotel, closed its dining hall for two days. The Facebook and Twitter accounts posted a misty image of the iconic waterfall featured in the show's credits.

Is it happening again?


It's happening again.

It might not be happening again.


Should it happen again?

Your writer's interpretation of that molecule-shattering finale is resistant to the idea. The desecration of Dale Cooper was the perfect, harrowing allegory for the all-encompassing awfulness of our times.


But it's a new David Lynch joint, so...

