DC's Legends Of Tomorrow New Trailer: 16 Things You Need To See

Stunning new trailer for the Arrow and Flash spin-off show!

By Andrew Pollard /

With DC€™s Legends of Tomorrow now confirmed for a January 21st premiere, a new trailer has arrived to give fans a look at what to expect from the latest CW/DC shared universe series. For those not aware, the show will see Rip Hunter (he€™s from East London€ and the future) assembling a ragtag team of €œlegends€ in order to take down time-travelling immortal uber-rogue Vandal Savage. Legends of Tomorrow will essentially use the Arrow/Flash two-hour crossover event to launch off from, with Hunter eventually amassing a team that features The Atom, White Canary, Firestorm, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Captain Cold, and Heat Wave. Despite a previous trailer arriving earlier in the year, that was largely made up of footage created purposely to sell the series and generate some buzz. This latest trailer, though, is pure gold in that it gives fans footage from the upcoming season, certainly makes a lasting impression, and has some moments you absolutely need to see.

16. London 2166

The first hard-hitting shot of the trailer is right from the get-go: a desolate, chaotic London in 2166. From the looks of it, the world has gone to hell by this point, with fires plentiful and what seems like some sort of war having broken out. It's a grim future and one filled with destruction and darkness. As Rip Hunter is seen putting together his team of legends, he informs them that he€™s a Londoner and from the future. Given that, it seems that the shot of London in 2166 could very well be Rip€™s home, which would make perfect sense in why he Hunter would want to head to the past to try and fix the problems of his today.