Farewell 30 Rock: 10 Reasons It Was The Funniest Show On TV

By Dolan Reynolds /

As we say goodbye to 30 Rock I have prepared a list as to why I think it was the funniest show on TV. There are many different factors that make a comedy show great and 30 Rock seems to always be able to capture every one of them perfectly episode after episode. That's pretty amazing when the show has been on for seven years and has never gotten boring or repetitive as it easily could have like many other shows of its type. I've compiled this list specifically to celebrate my favorite show of all time, a show that has triumphed where so many others have failed or fallen short, and to thank Tina Fey and co. for seven amazing seasons of hilarity.

10. Longevity

I touched on this a little in the intro but it really deserves more discussion. It's a small miracle that 30 Rock stayed on the air past one or two seasons and was able to avoid being in the list of shows, like Arrested Development, that we're cancelled too early. Not only is this amazing but the fact that the show got seven seasons and could have had more if Tina Fey so desired is unheard of for a show of it's type. When most networks, even 30 Rock's own NBC, are going in a more commercial direction 30 Rock strived to be as un-commercial as it could and was somehow still allowed seven years.