Frankie Boyle's 10 Most Outrageous Moments

By Callum Wiggins /

Frankie Boyle is one of the most polarising figures in the history of British comedy. The Glaswegian 40-year-0ld, who has been performing since 1995, came to widespread attention on the panel show Mock the Week. This platform initially displayed Boyle as an intelligent and risque comedian, who would take barbs at celebrities, politicians and institutions in a compellingly assertive manner. As time wore on, his material became more and more controversial to the point where he comedy would be the determinant factor of whether people watched the show or not. Since leaving the show, controversy has continued to surround his career, and has only heightened with live DVD recordings allowing him to say whatever he pleases. A firm believer in the freedom of speech, Boyle has used this mantra in order to formulate some of the darkest jokes and observations in the history of stand-up, and this has attracted the attention of the media on more than one occasion. Many despise that Boyle maintains a platform to spout his brand of humour, and that his means of discussing sensitive issues such as death, race and disease have caused more anger than laughter. However, if you are a fan of the Scotsman, there are few others that can provide his unique style of comedy. Boyle's fully aware of the frustration he causes commentators and journalists, and will often seek to turn the tables on his critics for using his humour as a means to titillate their own readers whilst still claiming the moral high ground. Love Frankie Boyle or hate him, he certainly will not change for anybody, and will continue to be a cut-throat comedian until his final breath, which considering his nationality won't be too long now. With his many years in comedy and the shock value of the majority of his jokes, it is difficult to pick out some of the most outrageous statements of his career. But, despite the plethora of material plucked from the darkest corners of the human psyche, some have stood out for the sheer amount of distaste they have caused among the population that doesn't enjoy his comedy, and so think that nobody else should too. Here then are the moments of his career that detractors will most vocally deride, and that will have his supporters in fits of laughter and questioning their own moral compass. Warning - this article will contain offensive comedic material, so if you are easily offended, you are strongly advised to click the "Back" icon.