Futurama: 5 Reasons Why We'd Love To Watch A 90's Prequel

By Jon Lovatt /

So Futurama is gone. Cancelled again. Kaput. And frankly I€™m quite glad. The last season was underwhelming and clunky, like the writers and illustrators were merely going through the motions of making a quirky sci-fi animation. Where were all the memorable jokes, the scenes I can quote off the top of my head, the stories I genuinely wanted to see? The problem for me stretches back to the run of €˜films€™, and I really want to just accept that Futurama ended back at its first cancellation. That€™s what made that one Simpsons joke funny. €œWhy did they have to cancel Futuramaaa?!€ Perhaps also the one Simpsons joke that I laughed at in the past 12 or 13 years. Only the re-runs of seasons 1 through 8 keep me laughing non-stop. Well, not so much seasons 1 and 2. But I don€™t want to start a tirade against the Simpsons either. That€™s already been done on here somewhere. What I want to propose. Although I€™m not sure quite who I€™m proposing this to. What I want to propose is that somehow, with somebody€™s money, and on some TV network, Futurama should make a return. But, we should forget about everything we€™ve seen up to now. Just forget it all. Because, the Futurama we need to see should be a prequel. A prequel set in the 1990€™s and following the one and only Philip J Fry. Keep reading and find 5 Reasons We€™d Love To Watch It€