Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Outrageous Fan Theories You Won't Believe

Wait, who's still alive? And Varys is a what?!

By James Hunt /

George R.R. Martin - now aided by David Benioff and Dan Weiss - has created a sprawling world full of mystery and intrigue that goes far beyond what is on page and screen.


Every character seems to have a hidden motive; anyone could die at anytime, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily have to stay that way. It’s an established rule that there’s always more than meets the eye.

Because of this, and also because Martin takes so long between books and people love to waste time on the internet, a huge number of theories about the series have sprung up online, with the likes of Reddit and being full of people giving their views on what ‘x’ really means, who ‘y’ really is, and what in the hell has happened to ‘z’.

Some of these have a lot to back them up, and make an awful lot of sense, with the most well-known example being R+L=J, aka Jon Snow really the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. 

For all the believable ones though, there’s plenty that are completely outlandish. Some have had a rather alarming amount of thought put into them, and somehow manage to make you start believing them even though you know it’s crazy and could never happen.

That is what happens when you wait so long for new material. GRRM is doing this on purpose. Eventually the fanbase will have been driven so insane with anticipation that they’ll accept anything he writes, including these… 

10. Nedbert

Every fandom seems to have a couple that it ships, no matter how weird or unlikely it actually is. Think Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Johnlock), Jack Frost and Elsa (Jelsa), and Drarry, which is Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.


Game of Thrones is no exception to this, and one theory posits the coupling of two characters very prominent in the first season: Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon. Yes, really.

It starts with the fact that the two grew up together, living in close quarters at a time when most are first exploring their sexuality. They form a strong bond and, well, it becomes something more.

Ned resents Cersei, and is locked into a loveless marriage himself. Robert, meanwhile, has to get drunk to sleep with women, and fathers so many bastards as a way of proving that he isn’t homosexual. Then there’s the fact Ned describes a young Robert as being “muscled like a maiden’s fantasy.” For Ned, though, it wasn’t fantasy, it was real.

Robert wanted Lyanna because she looked like Ned, the closest female equivalent, and he was desperate for him to go to King’s Landing with him. Ned does go to King’s Landing, and conveniently happens to leave his wife behind. When Robert realises that ultimately they cannot be together, he let’s the boar kill him and end his suffering. With Ned’s death they can now be together in the afterlife.

Ned + Robert 4eva! 
