Game Of Thrones: 10 Terrible Mistakes That Should Never Have Been Made

By Evan Tavares /

The following article contains HEAVY spoilers! €œI€™ve made a terrible mistake.€ Robb quips sarcastically, only moments before him, his remaining family and troops are mercilessly slaughtered and betrayed by his own bannermen. There€™s a cruel irony to his statement, and it may not be caught upon one€™s first viewing. Game of Thrones is filled with these scenes, poignant meetings between characters that are unaware they will be their last. Ned Stark was the champion of these sort of moments, with his various unknowingly empty promises made to his family members. Watching characters makes these mistakes again during a rewatch is like seeing a car crash in slow motion. Jon Snow never did get that talk about his mother. What is the cause of all these deaths though? The various moves made by these character, naturally, have consequences. Often times these characters, ones whom we dearly love, make terrible, terrible mistakes. These characters are frequently getting in way over their head. The narrative in Game of Thrones is multilayered, and you get the sense that there€™s always something bigger going on. There are on-going mysteries, much like Lost, and you can never be quite sure who€™s pulling the strings. This squabble between the great houses is petty though, and viewers know that the real threat lies beyond the Wall. Game of Thrones is clearly unafraid to shock viewers, perhaps the ultimate mistake will be certain characters inability to deal with that threat. We€™re only roughly half way through the book series though (and that€™s still on-going!), so in adaptation terms, we€™ve got a long way to go until the story moves that far. Until then, let€™s take some time to look at 10 of the most terrible mistakes made in Game of Thrones, in chronological order.