Game Of Thrones: 15 Unforgettable Scenes From Season 7

Seven years later, this show has lost none of its magic.

By Robert James /


Game of Thrones is famous for two things: Ridiculous amounts of nudity and beloved characters dying off in tragic (or tragically ironic) ways. And while this season has the fewest main character deaths of any season to date, it was by no means devoid of shocking and powerful moments.


After all, you don't need to have a main character dying every episode in order for the stakes to be high and the drama to be involving (someone should probably tell the producers of The Walking Dead...).

There was plenty to complain about in Game of Thrones season 7: The action sometimes felt rushed, the emotional beats felt contrived sometimes, and the characters traveled up and down Westeros like they've discovered the fast-travel option in Skyrim.

All these aside, there are still plenty of reasons to keep watching, because the show continues to stick the landing for its important scenes. From intimate character reunions to large scale destruction, this season was packed with some truly awesome sequences.

And, due to the action-packed nature of the season, there are some truly jaw-dropping moments from this season that didn't make the cut in this article (i.e. undead Viserion punching a hole straight through The Wall, or the Greyjoy sea battle).

These bits of spectacle are awesome, but the highlights really should include a mix of action scenes and smaller character moments. There's still more to this show than incredible VFX, and the scenes chosen reflect that belief.

15. Grey Worm & Missandei

The Grey Worm/Missandei romance is something the show has been teasing for a couple seasons now. Audience expectations for this relationship was... dubious.


Somehow, for a show so full of murder and incest, the prospect of a man without genitals having a love scene was a bit too far. And Grey Worm was such an MVP in the Essos-set action scenes, he was too busy in other corners of the plot to worry about his phantom balls.

And yet, by the time this love scene rolled around it was a pleasant surprise. Both Missandei and Grey Worm have been effective supporting players in Daenerys' storyline, but they haven't had much time on their own. And the scene itself was one of the most effective love scenes in the series.

These two characters are both deeply scarred from their pasts as slaves, and seeing them in this intimate scene was surprisingly touching. And miles more compelling than any love scene between Daenerys and Daario.
