Game Of Thrones: 18 Actors Who Were Replaced

All men must be replaced...

By Simon Gallagher /


Game Of Thrones is a show that prides itself on its intricacies and how complex a web it weaves, dropping tiny details in early seasons that don't come back to relevance for years and seeding storylines that take just as long to blossom fully. With that in mind, you'd think that continuity was at the very top of HBO's list of concerns.


But even considering that expectation and the necessity for fans to invest in the show's characters (especially those who are somehow capable of surviving longer than a single season), a surprising number of characters have been played by more than one actor.

Whether because of scheduling conflicts, health matters or because they were initially stand-ins, HBO have replaced a number of their actors seemingly without any consideration for the confusion it causes. Luckily for them, most of the time their decisions are paid of with improved performances, but there are definitely some missed opportunities in there too.


At the end of the day though, all men must be replaced...