Game Of Thrones: 6 Best Moments From Mockingbird

Littlefinger - not the best husband, apparently.

By Brandon Jacobs /

The agonising year long wait is finally over, and Game of Thrones is back for its fourth season. Based on The Song of Ice and Fire novels by George R.R. Martin, what began as a modest success in its premiere season has now become event television. It has captured the imagination of millions of viewers with its compelling characters and twisting narrative. Needless to say, enthusiasm for Game of Thrones has reached a fever pitch. With episode 7 now behind us, there are only 3 left until we have to wait another year for our Game of Thrones fix. Enjoy these while you can, and boy was there a lot to enjoy in this episode. This week Jon returned to the Wall to be undermined by Alliser Thorne, Daenerys made use of Daario's talents, Arya softened up to the Hound, Lysa flew, and Tyrion gained a champion. There were many great character moments in this episode, as well as some power plays setting up events in future episodes. It's too bad we have to wait 2 weeks for the next one. As in most episodes of Game of Thrones, there were many fantastic moments from start to finish. However, if we were to go through everything, we€™d be here all day. So let€™s take a look at some of the best moments from the seventh episode of season 4, Mockingbird€