Game Of Thrones: Daenerys Targaryen Mother Of Dragons Indeed

By Maxx Obejero /

Finally. Three seasons later and Daenerys has finally stepped up to the plate. After 24 episodes, this is the one we begin to see the Targaryen blood in her veins. The one we see the dragon fire in her eyes. Too long have we watched her find her way through it all, with her teddy bear Jorah Mormont, as though the blind leading the blind. Too long have fans been suffering through the last Targaryen's plight, as though an ordinary woman with the coincidence of a good ancient name. After long dull moments, occasionally punctuated by slightly exciting dragon action, she now has started proving that she does have the blood of old Valyria and not just the constant uttering of her long lost titles. The Mother of Dragons was always a big title to fill, and only now has she started acting like she deserved it.

That moment she utters the words of command to the Unsullied in (I assume) perfect Valyrian, and the spine tingling sensation brought by the line "I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen of the blood of Old Valyria. Valyrian is my mother tongue." almost made up for all the dullness that the character has so far been wallowing in. Mix that with the perfectly timed deeply powerful score, and next week's episode is surely in for a big fan-wide disappointment, only for the sole reason of ending this episode with that hard-to-top build up. This is the episode we finally get a picture of how the old days were. The grander days before, when the Targaryens ruled Westeros. We now get a slight idea of why they did so for years before the Mad King destroyed it all. We finally caught a glimpse of how terrible and powerful they had been and could be again, if Daenerys Stormborn continues to step it up. It has finally come to one of the most exciting points of the series. The blue-eyed white-blond full-blooded Targaryen has now given the audience a good reason to agree that it, indeed, is fitting to call her the last of the Targaryens and the Mother of Dragons.

Not until now has it been that she has deserved her long-winded titles, usually uttered by she herself, The Queen of Dragons, the last Dragon, the last Targaryen, blood of old Valyria, yada-yada. Daenerys Stormborn from the blood of Old Valyria has finally made a move bold enough to make men's hairs stand on end. Let's just hope that after all the badassery we witnessed on "And Now His Watch Has Ended" they keep a good pace for the Targaryen until at least the season's ending. The bar has certainly been raised.