Game Of Thrones Season 6: 10 Big Questions We're Asking After 'The Broken Man'

The dead are coming.

By James Hunt /

Seven episodes in, and Game of Thrones Season 6 isn't particularly interested in providing any answers just yet.


The Broken Man is another table setting episode, one that leaves out quite a few big strands from the previous instalment (there's no Daenerys or Bran), and the ones it does include are more teases for what's to come.

The biggest of these is the return of Sandor Clegane, who hasn't been seen after being left for dead by Arya back in Season 4. Left for dead, though, doesn't mean he actually died, and he's still alive here, although it's a more peaceful version of the character... until the end of the episode, at least.

The other big moment of the episode is Arya's run in with the Waif, who last week was promising to kill her. She comes awfully close to making good on that here, but right at the last moment Arya is shown clinging to life, although hardly in a good position going into the next episode.

Elsewhere, Jaime attempted to parley with the Blackfish and take back Riverrun for the Freys, Jon and Sansa recruited Northern houses for their army, and the latter is going behind the former's back, and Margaery revealed she is playing the High Sparrow.

It was all setup for what's to come, and means that we're left with plenty of questions, with just three episodes for them to be answered in.

10. How Will The Siege Be Lifted?

Jaime arrives at Riverrun this week, in order to try and take back the castle that the Blackfish has taken from the Freys (who, er, took it from the Tullys in the first place).


It doesn't quite go as well as the Kingslayer expected, with Brynden Tully very unimpressed by him, and the siege is really going to begin next week (had Jaime just let Bronn handle this, it'd all be over and everyone would be cracking jokes and drinking ale by now).

Without diving into what happens in the books, it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out with neither side prepared to budge. They can't really do a lengthy siege on the show, so something is going to have to happen to expedite things considerably.
