Game Of Thrones Season 7: First Trailer Brings Winter, War And Worries

Like, nobody gets out of this alive, do they?

By Simon Gallagher /


Let's get this out of the way immediately shall we? Gendry isn't in the first trailer for season 7 of Game Of Thrones. So the wait goes on for the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms to return and take his rightful place.


But in his place, the first teaser for HBO's forthcoming - sadly shortened - seventh season of the epic fantasy show is full of intrigue, atmosphere and the escalation of a war on about five fronts that should change the make-up of Westeros as we know it.


We're very much getting a picture of Cersei as a ferocious wounded animal with her back to the wall, with increasingly difficult odds, but a conviction of will that defies even the losses we see in this trailer.

Meanwhile, Dany is back in her family home with a ridiculously huge army that should make short work of her enemies (though she doesn't look entirely comfortable), the Starks are freezing (and on the front-line against the White Walkers) and Ser Davos is still telling everyone they're fighting the wrong battles.


There's a lot of mood building in there, and some big plot hints, but there's also a lot left unanswered (which is invariably a good thing). For instance, there's no Bran, no Sam, no Gendry, no Hot Pie... All of these hugely important characters seem to have been over-looked in favour of a creeping sense of doom at the impending Great War.

Let's hope the show lives up to the huge weight of hype on it when it lands this summer. It can't come quick enough.
